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Wool Underquilts

Wool Bedding Sets 15% Off Original Price

Wool Bedding SaleCuddle Ewe™ Wool Bedding products are in the midst of the Spring Sleep Soundly Sale! Between now and May 31st, 2016, you can receive 15% off the purchase of all wool mattress toppers, packaged sets, and the Travel Ewe set. It is widely known among sleep researchers, and increasingly well known among consumers…

Supportive Benefits of Wool Bedding

Wool BeddingAre you tired, cranky, feeling out of sorts, dragging through the day, in constant pain, forgetting more, getting sick more often, gaining weight, or feeling more stress?  A good night’s sleep might be just what the doctor would order. Studies have linked all of the above to poor or insufficient sleep. One of the best ways to ensure a restful night of sleep is to use quality wool bedding products from Cuddle Ewe™.

Benefits of Wool

Advantages of a Good Night's SleepAmericans are suffering from lack of good quality sleep. Sleep deprivation is affecting lives in numerous ways including Health and Productivity. Our lifestyles are contributing to this epidemic. Since many of us don’t have the option of adding hours to our sleep time, the answer lies in finding solutions for a better quality of sleep. Many people are discovering natural solutions for sleep troubles through Cuddle Ewe underquilts.
