Individuals are more mobile than at any other time in history. Many of us travel around the country, or even the globe, as part of our jobs. We take vacations in all parts of the globe as well. If there is a less-than-desirable aspect of our modern-day ease-of-travel that does not have to do with excessive baggage charges, it would be the difficulty of sleeping in places that are not our homes. The Cuddle Ewe™ Travel Mattress Pad, however, allows you to bring the comfort of home with you when you travel.
Travel Wool Mattress Pad
Are you one of those people that is always on the go? Maybe you travel for your job and are in a different hotel room every night of the week. If you are more of the adventurous type, maybe you are traveling the world and tackling new adventures each and every day. Either way, it is hard to maintain good, relaxing sleep when you are not able to sleep on the same bed every night.Over time, this can cause pain issues and may also affect how well you sleep. How can you stay comfortable at night living this kind of lifestyle, you may ask…
Wool Travel Mattress Pad
People who have tried the all-natural Cuddle Ewe™ mattress topper find that they really miss the comfort while traveling. Our solution is a Travel Size pure Travel Ewe™ wool mattress pad. It has all of the benefits of our traditional quality wool products in a convenient tote bag.