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Natural Wool Bedding

Wool Mattress Pad/Topper

Sleep Better Wool Bedding Products

Day dreaming of better sleep? What if we said we can give you a real solution?! One that involves no harmful chemicals, side effects…our natural wool bedding products will bring you only the sleep you have so longed for or your money back! Our online selection of Cheviot Wool Mattress Toppers, Comforters, Pillows, and other quality bedding essentials will improve your sleep. And improved nights lead to improved days and moods and so much more! Feel rested again by simply adding some wool to the bedroom.

Cozy Comfort of Wool Bedding

Cozy Wool Mattress ToppersThis is the time of year that people can really appreciate the many Benefits of Wool Bedding. Pure Wool does an amazing job of providing a cozy, comfy sleep experience making Wool Mattress Toppers a wonderful addition to any bed. It is like having sleep therapy to enhance the level of deep restful sleep you can have night after night.

Good Sleeping Habits that can Improve Your Life

Good Night SleepA Good Night’s Sleep can be an elusive thing for a segment of the population that suffers from insomnia or simply have trouble falling to sleep. If you toss and turn while trying to find a comfortable sleeping position the problem can be compounded. Even the world-renowned Mayo Clinic agrees that creating a comfortable bed will help with sleep…

Arthritis Pain Relief Through Improved Sleep

Wool Bedding Products Help with ArthritisThe relationship between Osteoarthritis and Sleep is complex. A 2012 sleep study found that a person’s quality of sleep was a strong indicator of how much pain they felt the next day. The level of pain that was felt before going to bed was not as important as the quality of sleep during the night. Arthritis Pain can cause significant sleep disturbances for you and your sleep partner.
