There are some things in life that you should not cut corners on. One of those things is the type of bedding you sleep on each night. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your day, so it makes sense to invest in bedding that is comfortable, reliable, and offers pain relief as well. You can achieve this by purchasing a wool mattress topper from Cuddle Ewe™. Let our team of quality wool bedding experts match you up with a wool mattress topper just for you, so that you can wake up more rejuvenated after a nights rest.
Wool Mattress Topper/Pad
What exactly happens when you sleep? To avoid a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo, Cuddle Ewe™ will give you the shortened version. When you sleep, your brain recharges itself, your cells work hard to repair themselves, and your body releases important hormones that keep you alive and healthy during the day. The amount of your sleep can partly be determined due to your age. For example, babies need 16 hours of sleep a day on average. Adults aged 19-55 need at least 8 hours. Are you getting the correct amount of sleep required to sustain your body? If it’s just not working for you, it’s time to invest in quality wool bedding. Cuddle Ewe™ is now offering our wool mattress pad, or wool mattress topper, at 15% off the entire month of May.