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Mattress Buying Guide and Myths

Wool Mattress BeddingBuying a mattress can quickly become one of the most stressful purchases of the year for you and your family. There are so many different brands, styles and materials that it makes you second guess yourself when trying to find the right mattress. Typically, the salesmen that you interact with doesn’t make the process any more fun because they are eager to make a sale. There are misleading myths out there as well, that you need to stray away from when purchasing a mattress. At Cuddle Ewe™, we can’t help you purchase a mattress, but what we can offer are organic wool bedding products that will make that new mattress even more comfortable and supportive.

Common Myths When Purchasing Your Mattress

  • Pillow-top mattresses are the only way to go – Although they may be one of the most popular styles, that does not mean they are the only style mattress you can enjoy. The right traditional mattress can provide the same results that a pillow-top mattress can.
  • One size fits all – Is there really anything in this world that is truly one size fits all? We come in all different shapes and sizes, so how could there be a mattress that fits everyone? Simple answer, there is not!
  • Box springs are a requirement – This misconception convinces people into buying more product. As long as there is a solid platform under the mattress, box springs are not needed.
  • Testing the mattress at the showroom is enough – Spending 2 minutes of your afternoon laying on a bed simply isn’t enough to make sure its right. Truth is that you need to sleep on a bed overnight to get its true feel.
  • Your mattress salesman knows it all – Often times, this is far from the truth. It does not take much to be a mattress sales representative. These individuals work off of commission, so you can bet they’ll tell you just about everything you want to hear in order to get you to buy any mattress in their store.

Don’t Just Stop with the Mattress

When investing in a new mattress, it is also important to invest in proper bedding that will help you get the most out of your mattress. At Cuddle Ewe™, we offer mattress pads and mattress toppers that help to make you feel like you are sleeping on clouds! Comfort is not our only specialty. In fact, thanks to our organic wool, you will receive ample support, weight distribution and even great insulation with the addition of a wool mattress pad or mattress topper.

So, don’t listen to the myths when it comes to buying a new mattress. Do the research and invest in one that you will want to keep around for a long time. At the same time, invest in a Cuddle Ewe™ wool mattress pad or mattress topper to help enhance your sleep at night. Give us a call today at 800-290-9199 or visit to learn more about our wool mattress enhancing products.
