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Wool Bedding

Cuddle Ewe™ — A Gift That Keeps Giving!

Wool BeddingWinter is on it’s way and what does that mean? The holidays are here! It’s a fun, festive time to spend enjoying extra time with family and friends. It is also a time to choose gifts for your loved ones that they can enjoy all year. This can be as much of a challenge as it is fun, as some people are harder to shop for than others. If you are looking for a great gift that is both useful and feels like an indulgence, consider one of the amazing wool products from Cuddle Ewe™. You can choose from a wide assortment of wool mattress toppers, comforters and pillows that will give your loved one a restful night’s sleep! For many, that gift cannot be matched!

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Wool Mattress Topper: The Perfect Holiday Gift

Holiday Sleep Sale on Wool BeddingSeasons greetings to you and yours! Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and before you know it, Christmas will be here too. So have you completed all of your holiday shopping? If you are like most people in America, the shopping has just begun! As you are making your list, and checking it twice, consider giving a gift that will impact your loved one’s quality of life. If someone you love has trouble getting to sleep, or suffers from some sort of chronic pain, our Cuddle Ewe™ mattress topper is a great gift to give them! By placing our mattress topper in between your mattress and fitted sheets, you have the capacity to transform your bed from something you lay on to something you are comfortably cradled in!

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Cozy Comfort of Wool Bedding

Cozy Wool Mattress ToppersThis is the time of year that people can really appreciate the many Benefits of Wool Bedding. Pure Wool does an amazing job of providing a cozy, comfy sleep experience making Wool Mattress Toppers a wonderful addition to any bed. It is like having sleep therapy to enhance the level of deep restful sleep you can have night after night.

The Cuddle Ewe™ Holiday Sale

Wool Mattress BeddingWhen it comes to achieving better sleep at night, why wait until Black Friday to purchase sleep enhancing bedding products? Getting a good night’s rest is extremely valuable both mentally and physically. At Cuddle Ewe™ we feel that our customers deserve more than just a one day sale after Thanksgiving. That is why the Cuddle Ewe™ Holiday Sale runs from November 1st – December 31st, 2015.

Cuddle Up with Wool

Quality Wool Mattress PadFall is here, the air is crisp, nights are getting cool and it is getting darker earlier. As summer fades away, you find yourself reaching for sweaters, socks and blankets to keep you warm and cozy during the winter months. There is nothing like that feeling of being snuggled in your bed, warm and toasty when you know it is cold and raw outside. There are many bedding products on the market to keep you warm during the winter months. Cuddle Ewe™ makes an entire array of products that can keep you cozy while you sleep so that you wake rested and refreshed. We use only Cheviot wool for our mattress toppers, comforters, and pillows because it is one of the softest and best styles of wool on the market, only found in the Cheviot Hills separating England and Scotland.

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Natural Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis ReliefOne of the most common causes of disability is Arthritis. Not only does the pain of arthritis limit work activity and availability but it also limits every aspect of a person’s life. There is no cure for arthritis but there are many different ways to try to manage the pain. The multitude of arthritis treatments to help manage pain can include anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, steroids, ice packs, cold compresses, stretching, weight loss and in some cases surgery is beneficial. And we, here at Cuddle Ewe™ would like to make an addition to this list: Cuddle Ewe™ Wool Bedding.

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Healthy Wool Pillows

Luxury Wool ProductsYou deserve a good, restful night of sleep and Healthy Wool Pillows can help you to enjoy the best sleep possible. Wool is a natural, breathable material that is resistant to dust mites, mold, allergens and moisture. This makes your sleeping environment healthier all year round. Breathable Wool Filled Pillows are thermal regulating. You no longer have to wake in the night with a moist, clammy feeling pillow beneath your head.

Wool Bed Topper

Wool Mattress PadAt some point in time, people lost site of the beauty in a natural product. Synthetic fibers, fake feathers, and man-made products unfortunately dominate both the clothing and bedding industry. Well, it hasn’t taken long to figure out that nothing beats the capabilities of natural products. A synthetic bed topper just doesn’t give the same benefits as a quality wool mattress pad.
