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Wool Bedding

Facts About Wool Bedding

Wool BeddingWe can sit here and talk to you about Cuddle Ewe™ and how comfortable our wool products are, but it won’t mean a thing until you have a good grasp on how effective wool can be on your body. So sit down, grab a cup of coffee and gain some knowledge about why exactly wool bedding is right for you and every other person that lays down at night!

Why are Pillows Important?

Natural-Sleep-Pillow-InsideHave we ever stopped to think about where we spend the most time resting? Everywhere on the news you see people talking about whether they should stand or sit at work. There’s multiple debates on how everyone should spend their day. How much exercise should you get, what diet you should be on, when you should take a break, where you should sit, etc.

Sleep Like Never Before With Wool

Treatment for Night Time AchesThe workday can really wear you out. Do you ever have those days where all you want to do when you get off of work is curl up in bed, watch a little television, and get a good night’s rest? Unfortunately, for some of us, getting uninterrupted sleep is easier said than done. Whether it be from body aches and pains or because your mind will not stop racing a thousand miles an hour, sleep is not always relaxing.

Deeper Sleep with Sheep

Deeper Sleep with Quality BeddingWhat really compares to a good night of rest? Not only does it help rejuvenate you in preparation for the upcoming day ahead, but sleep also restores us mentally and physically. The deeper the sleep, the better! Unfortunately, there are many American’s that regularly struggle to to achieve deep sleep…

Sleep Enhancing Bedding Products

100% Wool Mattress ToppersSleep is supposed to be a time for your body to recover, relax, and for your conscious mind to take a break. Unfortunately, for so many people, their experience with sleep is the exact opposite. Many individuals struggle to get consistent, restful sleep because they are experiencing pain, are not able to relax and cannot get their mind to stop racing!

Treatment for Night Time Aches

Treatment for Night Time AchesIt seems to be that time again. Yes, that glorious time where we slip into our comfortable clothes, brush our teeth, and gently drift off to sleep. Wait?.. This isn’t how you feel when you lay down at night? Are you seriously saying you dread going to bed? Friends, this is a problem that needs to be fixed right away. If you are suffering from nighttime aches and pains, it’s time to try Cuddle Ewe™.

The Holiday Gift of Comfort

Wool Bedding GiftLooking for a holiday gift that your friend or family member will be thrilled about for years to come? Maybe your spouse continuously complains about getting poor sleep at night. Try something new this holiday season and give the gift of comfort from Cuddle Ewe™. Offering a wide range of organic wool bedding products ranging from…

Wool Mattress Pad for Christmas

Wool Mattress PadBaaaaa humbug! That’s typically the reaction we get when we try to greet our arthritic Grandma Jo for Christmas. The poor thing has swollen joints, a bad back, and is no longer the sweet and loving grandma we once knew. The only time she says her pain eases up is when she hits the egg nog that Uncle Billy makes every year. Poor Grandma Jo. It’s time we do something to help her.

Effects of Sleep on Cognitive Performance

Quantity of Sleep The Quality of Sleep is just as important as the Quantity of Sleep that one gets. Many individuals can sleep eight or nine hours per night and still wake up feeling tired and foggy brained. Getting Quality Restorative Sleep can have an enormous affect on an individual’s Cognitive Performance throughout the day.

Better Quality Sheep, Better Quality Sleep

Wool Mattress BeddingWe all have certain items that when we purchase, we opt for a higher quality product. It may be a pair of shoes that you know that will last for years, pots and pans for cooking, or even your car. Purchasing high quality items make sense because they are well made, last longer and may be more comfortable or perform a function well. With some items, quality does really matter.
