Over the years you’ve heard how much wool can keep a person warm during the winter. “It’s the best heater money can buy.” But, what you haven’t been told is how cool it can keep you, too. Believe it or not but wool is designed to keep the body cool. If this weren’t so, then sheep would be dropping dead all over the place from being over-heated.
Add Comfort To Your Mattress
Replacing your entire bed to try and find comfort can be a very expensive trip to the store. Adding extra luxuries to your mattress now will save you a lot of money in the long run and you’ll get comfort like you’ve never felt before.
Quality Wool Mattress Topper
A good night’s sleep is so often taken for granted. We rush around throughout the day trying to complete all the tasks that are put before us. When the time comes to unplug and unwind for the night, we are likely to toss and turn in bed while sleep eludes us. There is a Natural Sleep Solution that allows your body to fully relax and fall into a deep restful sleep.
Pure Wool Bedding
Cuddle Ewe is dedicated to changing the way you think about sheep. Yep, that’s right – Sheep, also known as wool, ewe, ram or lamb. We offer quality wool mattress toppers, comforters, pillows, packaged sets and mattress covers so you won’t be counting sheep anymore, you’ll be cuddling them.
Quality Wool Bedding
Do you stay awake counting sheep? Rely on the trusted, nightly glass of wine but it’s just not cutting it anymore, maybe you ponder life, the past, the present and the future all while trying to get a wink of shut eye. Regardless of what’s keeping you up, Cuddle Ewe can bring you a night of sleep you can drool about!
Need Help to Sleep?
Staring at your alarm clock for endless hours can be both painful and counterproductive. The more that you attempt to find sleep the more it seems to elude you. But the solution for sleep troubles might not be as difficult to find as you might imagine, such as a quality wool mattress topper. If you need help to sleep, keep reading for tips to help ease your pain.
Sleeping with Wool
The thought of sleeping with a wool comforter in the summer makes you sweat. But, did you know that for over 12,000 years, wool has been used to make life more comfortable, especially in the hottest climates.
About Cuddle Ewe Wool Mattress Toppers
Among all the important things you do in a day, did you know that sleep should be your number one? Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.
Benefits of Wool
Americans are suffering from lack of good quality sleep. Sleep deprivation is affecting lives in numerous ways including Health and Productivity. Our lifestyles are contributing to this epidemic. Since many of us don’t have the option of adding hours to our sleep time, the answer lies in finding solutions for a better quality of sleep. Many people are discovering natural solutions for sleep troubles through Cuddle Ewe underquilts.
Sleep Enhancing Bedding
Are you aware that in order to reach your full health potential you must have the appropriate amount of sleep, nightly? It’s true, there are many studies that have proven that sleep is essential for good health and lack of sleep can cause health concerns. Over half of the American adult population is struggling with sleeping problems, which is why Cuddle Ewe is so passionate about out natural remedy for lack of sleep.