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Cotton Protective Mattress Covers

Deep Pocket Sheets for Your Wool Mattress Topper

Deep Pocket Cotton SheetsLooking to put the finishing touches on your sleeping oasis? If you’ve already invested in a wool mattress topper and wool pillow from Cuddle Ewe™, then all that is left for you to engage in an unmatchable sleeping experience is purchasing our deep pocket cotton sheets built specifically for our other wool bedding products.

Protective Mattress Covers

Protective Mattress CoverMattresses are designed to last anywhere from 8-12 years, depending on how well you take care of it. You want to preserve it for as long as you can, especially with several beds in your house. A protective mattress cover is ideal for all mattresses in your home, regardless of whether you have kids (or not) or pets (or not). Spills and accidents happen — it is just a normal part of life.
