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Why Organic Wool is Better

Wool Mattress PadAchieving a healthier lifestyle can begin right in the confines of your bed. When people talk about ways to achieve a healthier lifestyle, your bedding products are generally never brought up. The truth is that the better you sleep, the healthier you become. Sure, there are plenty of bedding materials out on the market, but there is no better material for your bedding than organic wool. Team up with Cuddle Ewe™ and try out our organic/natural mattress toppers/pads made with Cheviot Wool, some of the softest wool in the world. Quickly, you will feel like you are sleeping on clouds, and your health will benefit from this new wool mattress topper as well.

Why Go Organic?

Studies have shown that we spend nearly ⅓ of our life sleeping, so it is important that we do not take this time of our life lightly. Most of the bedding material on the market is not flame retardant by nature. These companies apply various chemicals over the bedding to make sure that they meet the flame retardant requirements. These chemicals can be very toxic and have shown negative effects on our overall health. Spending so much of our lives asleep, these chemicals have been found to cause brain and reproductive damage, thyroid and respiratory issues and even cancer. One great way to reduce chemical exposure is by investing in organic wool bedding materials from Cuddle Ewe™. Using no chemicals (memory foam is riddled with chemicals and can cause health complications), our wool mattress toppers help provide an all natural environment for you to sleep at night, free of the harmful chemicals that may negatively affect your health. Being naturally flame retardant, there is no need for the harmful chemicals!

Organic Wool Bedding Products

  • Wool Mattress Topper – Our wool mattress toppers not only keep you comfortable throughout the night, but it helps to provide support and high quality weight distribution across your body. Over time, these benefits can have a positive correlation on your health.
  • Pillows – Our organic wool is the perfect material for your pillow. Thanks to the fact that chemicals are not needed in our products, you can rest assured that the material you rest your head on every night is not harmful to your health.
  • Comforter – Offering a standard wool comforter or a personal comforter for lounging, Cuddle Ewe™’s organic wool comforter keeps your body temperature at a steady 98.6 degrees year around.

So, when trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle, don’t forget about the part of the day when you are asleep. Team up with Cuddle Ewe™ today and invest in organic wool bedding materials that will revolutionize the way that you sleep. Give us a call today at (800) 290-9199 to learn more about our organic wool bedding products.

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